The Hindu Analysis


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the hindu analysis 09 november 2023 Quote


  1. Kerala moves SC against Governor again - Page No.1, GS 2 G-7 - Page No.1 , GS 2
  2. Kerala forms Organic Farming Mission to boost agriculture- Page No.6, GS 3
  3. Taiwan, a Malacca blockade and India's options - Page No.8 , GS 2
  4. Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana (PMGKAY) - Page No.8 , GS 2
  5. Polling Timing - Page No. 8 GS 2
  6. World will overshoot 2030 fossil fuel limit by twice over: report - Page No.14, GS 3

Kerala moves SC against Governor again - Page No.1, GS 2 G-7 - Page No.1 , GS 2

Kerala moves SC against Governor again - Page No.1, GS 2 G-7 - Page No.1 , GS 2
  • The Kerala government on Wednesday moved the Supreme Court for the second time against Governor Arif Mohammed Khan, accusing him of trying to "defeat the rights of the people" of the State by indefinitely sitting on several crucial Bills, especially those addressing post-COVID public health concerns.
  • "The conduct of the Governor in keeping Bills pending for long and indefinite periods of time is manifestly arbitrary and also violates Article 1 (right to equality) of the Constitution. Additionally, it defeats the rights of the people of the State of Kerala under Article 21 (right to life) of the Constitution, by denying them the benefits of welfare legislation enacted by the State Assembly," the State said.
  • The 461-page special leave petition appeals a Kerala High Court judgment delivered on November 30 last year, which refused to fix a time limit for the Governor to deal with Bills presented to him under Article 200 of the constitution.

Kerala forms Organic Farming Mission to boost agriculture- Page No.6, GS 3

Kerala forms Organic Farming Mission to boost agriculture- Page No.6, GS 3 Kerala forms Organic Farming Mission to boost agriculture- Page No.6, GS 3
    What is the Group of Seven (G7)?
  • It is an intergovernmental organization that was formed in 1975.
  • The bloc meets annually to discuss issues of common interest like global economic governance, international security and energy policy.
  • The G7 countires are the UK,Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the US.
  • All the G7 countries and India are a part of G20.
  • The G7 does not have a formal charter or a secretariat. The presidency, which rotates among member countries each year, is in change of setting the agenda. Sherpas, ministers and envoys hammer out policy initiatives before the summit.

Taiwan, a Malacca blockade and India's options - Page No.8 , GS 2

Taiwan, a Malacca blockade and India's options - Page No.8 , GS 2 Taiwan, a Malacca blockade and India's options - Page No.8 , GS 2 Taiwan, a Malacca blockade and India's options - Page No.8 , GS 2 Taiwan, a Malacca blockade and India's options - Page No.8 , GS 2

Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana (PMGKAY) - Page No.8 , GS 2

Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana (PMGKAY) - Page No.8 , GS 2
  • The Kerala government ha created an Organic Farming Mission to encourage the adoption of sustainable organic and climate-smart farming practices in the State. The mission aims at expanding organic farming to 5,000 hectares in the next five years through an annual target of 1,000 ha.
  • In farms run by the Agriculture Department, at least 10% of the area will be set aside for organic farming. Another mandate of the mission is to make sure that selected beneficiaries/farms of organic farming schemes pursue the system at least for five years.
  • The mission will take steps to expand the system for certification, branding, and marketing of organic agricultural products from kerala. An organic farming protocol, which is in sync with protocols prevalent at the national and international levels, will be implemented as part of the activities.
  • The mission will also focus on value addition of organic products.
  • As per the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) organic farming is a system which largely excludes the use of synthetic inputs (fertilizers, pesticides, etc.) and relies upon crop rotations, crop residues, animal manures, organic waste, and biological system of nutrient mobilization.
  • Organic farming system in India is not new and is being followed from ancient times.
  • Currently India ranks 33rd in terms of total land under organic cultivation and 88th in terms of the ratio of agricultural land under organic crops to total farming area.

Polling Timing - Page No. 8 GS 2

Polling Timing - Page No. 8 GS 2
  • The Union government's move to extend the free foodgrains scheme for the next five years is welcome as it will continue to provide food security to large sections of vulnerable people.
  • Based on National Food Security Act (NFSA) entitlements, the scheme, the Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana (PMGKAY), benefits about 80.4 crore people, under the categories of Antyodaya Anna Yojana (poorest of the poor) and priority households.
  • They will continue to receive five kg of rice or wheat or coarse grains a person every month.
  • National Food Security Act (NFSA), 2013 Objective:
  • To provide for food and nutritional security in the human life cycle approach, by ensuring access to adequate quantities of quality food at affordable prices to people to live a life with dignity.
  • Coverage:
  • The Act provides coverage for nearly 2/3rd of the country's total population, based on Census 2011 population estimates.
  • 75% of rural and 50% of urban population is entitled to receive highly subsidized food grains under two categories i.e Antyodaya Anna Yojana(AAY) households and Priority Households (PHH).
  • The Act entitles 35 kg of food grains as per Antyodaya Anna Yojana Households per month, whereas 5kg of food grains per Priority Households per person
  • The eldest woman of the beneficiary household (18 years or above) is considered 'Head of Family' for the purpose of issuing ration cards.

World will overshoot 2030 fossil fuel limit by twice over: report - Page No.14, GS 3

World will overshoot 2030 fossil fuel limit by twice over: report - Page No.14, GS 3
  • Notwithstanding the global consensus among countries that fossil fuel emissions must be eliminated, a new report says that many governments plan to produce twice as much fossil fuels in 2030 than would be consistent with limiting warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius, and 69% more than that would be consistent with 2 degrees Celsius.
  • This comes in the backdrop of 151 governments having pledged to achieve Net-Zero emissions - or no net emissions from 2050-2070.
  • The latest forecasts suggest that despite promises by governments made as part of the 2015 Paris Agreement that global coal, oil, and gas demand will peak this decade, even without new policies, their forecasts would lead to an increase in global coal production until 2030, and in global oil and gas production until at least 2050, creating an ever-widening fossil fuel production gap over time.
  • Later this month, at least 190 countries are expected to convene in Dubai, for the annual Conference of the Parties.
  • The Production Gap Report was released on Wednesday. It is prepared by the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEl), Climate Analytics, E3G, International Institute for Sustainable Development and the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) to assess governments' planned and projected production of coal, oil, and gas against global levels consistent with the Paris Agreement's temperature goal.
  • The report analyses emissions trends for 20 major fossil-fuel-producing countries: Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Colombia, Germany, India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Mexico, Nigeria, Norway, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, the UAE, the U.K., and the U.S.